Spotted Flycatcher 25 August 2020

An exciting new sighting on the reserve. At least one Spotted Flycatcher was seen on The Hook Nature Reserve yesterday – our first record of this bird species, with a number of sightings. As its name suggests it is an insect eater and usually sits patiently on a perch watching for its chance to fly out and is best identified by its darting flight pattern as it catches insects in the air. It is a greyish-brown bird, pale underneath, with a streaky crown and breast.

It was spotted from the Holme Grove path looking across the wild area towards the wildlife pond. The Spotted Flycatcher is a summer migrant, arriving from tropical Africa in May or June to breed. In August/early September they make their return migration to their wintering grounds. It’s good to know that The Hook has plenty of insects to feed them up for their return journey!

Thanks to everyone for keeping to the paths in the reserve. By creating undisturbed, wild areas it has improved the habitat for wildlife and it seems to be getting better every year. Who knows, the spotted flycatcher may return to bread next year!